District 2 - Candidates
Candidates for Councillor in District 2
Will Gilligan1. Unanswered
2. Unanswered 3. Unanswered 4. Unanswered 5. Unanswered |
David Hendsbee1. It has to be gradual increment while we try to afford the basic municipal services
2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. Will this allow for tax credits for residence in non-municipal properties |
Will Gilligan1. Unanswered
2. Unanswered 3. Unanswered 4. Unanswered |
David Hendsbee1. Yes
2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes |
Will Gilligan1. Unanswered
2. Unanswered 3. Unanswered |
David Hendsbee1. Maybe
2. And Music too 3. Yes |
Will Gilligan1. Unanswered
2. Unanswered 3. Unanswered |
David Hendsbee1. If the event is a pay admission ticket, then have a two $ surcharge for those ticket holders to take the bus with their ticket at no additional charge,,,2 hours before the event and 2 hours after the event they can ride the bus by the price paid for admission.
2. Some events can be by admission - not all can be for free 3. Yes |
Will GilliganDid not fill in survey
David HendsbeeExpand our Placemaking Grants program to include larger projects
Will GilliganDid not fill in survey
David HendsbeeN/A